Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Day 2 – 08.08.2020 (Sat)

Surprise! BoBo doubled in height! It was all foamy and bubbly.

So, I started my first discard and feed. I gave it a good stir. I left 20g in the jar and added 20g water and 20g flour (10g W/M, 10g B). Remember earlier I mentioned to weigh the empty jar? It is helpful now. My empty jar weight is 254g, so I just remove the content until the scale show 274g. Easy!

And to make it easier to track its growth, I added a DIY ruler by its side. I’m sure some of you might have recognized the ruler from Ikea measuring tape, which is free and placed at every corner of their store. I simply cut of the end, and tape it to make it waterproof.

By 2.40PM, it went up to almost 4cm (8.40AM – 1.8cm) before dropping. It did smell a little weird (not pleasant). But I have no idea how a sourdough starter should smell, so I just brush the thought off.

At 8.40PM, I repeat the discard and feed process. And that’s for Day 2.

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