Thursday, 30 June 2011

Lights Off :D

Phewwww... Relieved... Yeah, there is great satisfaction in knowing that I have submitted all my assessments for the semester. 'Lights off' is a significant word for me simply cause light off means I get my proper sleep... Yay! No more sleeping on my notes and in front of the computer screen... My dissapearance for the past weeks are all caused by ASSIGNMENTS! Yeah, you can tell I'm trying to push the blame to the harmless and innocent assignments. **grin**

Gratitude is the key to stay alive... Alternate days of sleeping pattern followed by lectures... GRACE is the word. Looking at my little planner, I'm amazed that I'm actually still alive. Busyness of life have taught me that I need a greater source of strength other than myself. With Him, I pulled through. The journey of life taught me of His grace and everlasting love. His persistance and patience, His care and comfort, and His unending support. Jesus, I love You!!!

Signing off with love... Lights off! :)


  1. November dy... when want to turn back on the light and start writing again? haha

  2. Oops... At last a new post... Hehe :p
