Wednesday, 24 October 2018

The Bread Noob

Est. May 2018

Just start somewhere.
Mr. Breadmaker was my starting point... Seems easy that I only need to weigh out the ingredients, put them into the machine, press some buttons, wait for 3 hours and Tadaaaaaa! I have my fresh loaf of bread. For a baking noob like me, that was a breakthrough. Never in my life did I know that I could actually make a loaf of bread (kinda cheating - cause the breadmaker does everything!). Still proud moment it was! 

Just when I kinda get the hang of it, Mr. Breakmaker gave up on me. Maybe I have been making it work too hard... What a slave driver I must have been. One fresh loaf every alternate day. That’s how good fresh homemade bread taste like. From a person who doesn’t eat rice and tries to cut down on carbs, the diet plan flew out the window. I would get myself on the treadmill just so that I can keep the bread in my diet. Haha! That’s motivation for me! 

Well, everything in life comes with a little hiccup... So does my breadmaker. And every end is a beginning of a new adventure. Hello, stand mixer!

It’s okay to get dirty.
I hate sticky, wet, messy stuff! Flour and water - definitely a big NO NO for me... I still remember the first time I touch the dough. Yucks! I was using the tip of my index finger to poke the dough. Nothing like the Youtube videos... The dough sticks to the rolling pin, etc. How do they make those videos look so effortless? What we see online are most often the result of many hours of offline trial and error. 台上一分钟, 台下十年功. Slowly, it is not as yucky anymore. It’s flour after all. And the bread did turn out ok.

It’s not always a success.
But there are days when the outcome just does not turn out as I hoped for... Maybe I have used up the beginner’s luck. Not “Instagram-friendly” bread. The bread turned our dry. The dough doesn’t rise as high as before. The dough is too wet. The shape just look weird. The bread sink after  taking out from the oven. Same recipe, same ingredients, and even the same baker. Yet, it yields different outcome. Too many variables even with the same set of ingredients and recipe. Nothing is fix. 

And time to go back to the ‘beginning’ - To just start somewhere (again!). Hopefully, this time round it will get better.

And the actual reason for going back to the start of the cycle: I am done with writing (typing) for today. Hehe. 

So goodbye for now :)
And hopefully the next loaf will turn out well! 

Friday, 5 January 2018

Thoughts, the not so nice kind


How could someone write down what was in my thoughts for months so accurately and so precisely... 

The pain, the hurt, the struggle. Death.
“Ending it is easy to say. Ending it is difficult.
That difficulty is why I have been alive until now.” - Jonghyun

** Wanted to post up the printscreen of the whole text, but it seems like I need to install some Google app to insert pictures. Too much hassle 💩. So here’s the link to the translation I took the quote from. 


Writing out ‘thoughts’ work for me... Especially those not so pleasant ones. It’s like taking the trash out of the house. You throw it out, and no longer think about it anymore. 

It works for me... Maybe it might work for you too? 

#fromsomeonelearningtoliveagain ❤️