Friday, 5 September 2014

20 things

With the on going trend on Instagram, I shall come up with 20 facts about me (in no particular order:

1. I  enjoy eating alone.
YES! Coffee and cake ALONE is actually one of my favorite past time.

2. I am very particular about alignments and formatting.
One of the reason I didn't post this on Instagram is because the iPhone Instagram app doesn't seem to allow me to 'next line' my sentences where ever I want it to be.
3. I drink approximately 500ml of plain water on a normal day.
Don't ask me how I manage to survive with that amount of water... I just do.

4. I drink A LOT of coffee.
I drink more coffee than water. My average day will have approximately 3-5 cups of coffee. My max will be 10 cups of Nescafe for assignments and exam season.

5. I am a latte drinker, and no sugar please.
If Starbucks: soy latte (because it sounds healthier)

6. I don't like berries.
Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and also passion fruit (doesn't fall in the category). Neither do I like jam.

7. I love stationery.
Colorful pens (Pilot's), Sharpies, ruler (I only like the plastic ones - half white, half see through), erasers (with half the plastic on so that it's only used from 1 side), stapler, scissors, post-it, liquid paper, cutter, highlighters, etc. And I bring my pencil box and notebook almost everywhere I go.

8. I like buying books.
But I don't finish reading most of them.

9. I love the sea and the sand.

10. I actually prefer tanned skin more than fair.
Never like sun block, and am too lazy to apply them.

11. I am a banana, and I'm proud of it.
I can't read and write Chinese, and I'm OK with that. No regrets not learning it...
Hmmm.... Maybe a little, only when I wish I can read sub titles to Cantonese drama series.

12.I love Excel and Powerpoint.
Just don't change my formatting :)

13. Hand sanitizer - A must have everywhere I go.

14. My favorite color is actually lime green. But for outfits, it's still black.

15. I love durian! And most local fruits.
Banana, honey dew, watermelon, guava, papaya. They are just sweeter.

16. I like bitter gourd.

17. I like soft toys with tiny bean like stuffing, and non-furry surface (silk-like material).
I am really bad at describing stuff, and I shall not try further.

18. I hate public speaking.

19. I love Running Man.

You can tell I'm getting lazy... 20 is a loooooong list...

20. I buy toothpaste based on the free gift they offer.
And the color of the tooth paste - green or blue gel like stuff.