Over the years, I come to realize that most people generally have a preference for music types... Their favorite singer, their favorite band, or actors and actresses.
was born with music inside me. Music was one of my parts. Like my ribs,
my kidneys, my liver, my heart. Like my blood. It was a force already
within me when I arrived on the scene. It was a necessity for me - like
food or water." - Ray Charles
And even the great Martin Luther has this to say about music:
Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world.
I don't think I was born with music inside me...
Born in a typical Chinese family, learning piano is one of 'the thing'. But for me, I dreaded piano lessons when I was young and obviously I didn't do too well... Practicing an hour a day (which is the bare minimum) was a torture... I would go toilet as many times as I can... Take a break for as long as possible before my mum would nag me to continue practicing... I hated practicing scales, and the metronome is my number one enemy. Sight reading is a confirm failure for all my piano exam. The only thing which I did well in all my piano years was my theory exam (which don't really require any musicality). So yes, music is definitely not in me.
Then, there was the time of boy bands: Backstreet Boys, Westlife, N Sync, etc.
Well, I do have my preference... But looking back, do I honestly like their music? Or was it peer pressure to like a band? Or maybe in my case: simply cause the singer was cute? (Probably the same reason why I like some football players or actors... Shallow, I know... But I couldn't care less :P)
The thing that got me writing this post is actually a very common question: "What type of music do you like?"
My answer: "Anything". But probably the more accurate answer should be: "None... I don't really care". And I will usually get the 'confused' look from the other party. "How can you not like music?" Or maybe "You very holy hor... Don't listen music one."
Errr... So so wrong...
What has my faith (religion) got to do with the type of music that I listen to?
We have different hobbies and past times, different preference... But why is it I am questioned for not liking music? Can I then ask "How can you not like Excel?"
Isn't that prejudice towards a certain preference?
(Note: I am using the word 'prejudice' instead of 'discrimination' as it's just an attitude, and no negative action is involved.)
Just a thought: My lack of interest in music will probably get me a few weird stares, which over the years I learn to not care about. But how about those whose preferences may be a little more controversial?
Interest in tattoos and body piercings?
The different preference for sexual partners? Homosexuals?
Again, I'm not talking (writing actually) about whether it is right or wrong... But why discriminate? Who are we to judge others for their preference?