Tuesday, 27 December 2011


I'm in a writing mode... So yeah, another post from me :)


Yes, they made up my life... That has got to be my biggest joy for 2011...

Friends cheer each other on...
Friends keep believing in each other...
Friends laugh together...
Friends celebrate together...
Friends encourage each other...
Friends care for each other...

And best of all, friends stick together :D

"A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" - Proverbs 18:24

Thank you my dear friends :)

Christmas isn't Christmas...

Title came from a famous Christmas song which I first learn when I was in choir a long long way back in my high school days...

Christmas isn't Christmas...
- till it happens in your heart (original lyrics)
- till you buy and give gifts to your love ones
- till you see the beautiful deco in shopping malls
- till you spend it with AWESOME friends and family